UFO stands for “unfinished object.” I personally distinguish between WIPs (works in progress) and UFOs, though some people use the terms interchangeably. A WIP is something that I’m actively working. An UFO is sitting around waiting for me to get to it sometime. I don’t like to have a lot of UFOs. I do like to have multiple projects in progress, so I always have an option for a project that fits my current attention span and activities. But UFOs lurk in the back of my head, sucking up small bits of energy and sometimes making me feel guilty for abandoning them. I used to have a number of unfinished projects, but in January of 2013, I inventoried my UFOs and addressed all but one of them. Either I finished them or I frogged them. Since then, I have tried to finish up projects within six months or so of starting them. Despite those efforts, I have accumulated a few UFOs and I’d like to finish with them. Today I took the first step towards finishing them by taking them all out and determining what needs to be done to finish each one.
granny square
August 2014 Preview
I know we are a week into the month, but there’s still 3 more weeks to go, so I’m still calling this a preview! August is a HPKCHC break month. I use break months to finish anything that is lingering from the end of term and get all my plans made for the beginning of the next term. Chris and I are vacationing the last week of August (heading to New Jersey to visit his mother), so I need to plan for some portable projects that I can bring with me on that trip.
July 2014 Wrap Up
July was a rather frustrating month of crafting. I met few of my goals. I expected to get a lot done because I was home for the entire month, but this turned out not to be the case. Since I was home for the entire month, I spent a lot of time catching up on home tasks that had languished while I was doing so much traveling between March and June. It was excellent and necessary to get those things done, but it meant the crafting did not get done.
WIP Wednesday: August 6, 2014
I have been delinquent in my WIP Wednesday posts, in part because I have been embarrassed by how little crafting I did in July. But that is one purpose of the WIP Wednesday posts: motivating me to make progress, because it isn’t interesting content if there’s no progress. Fortunately, I have progress!
July 2014 Preview
My original July 2014 plans were make a bunch of granny squares and finish the spinning for my OWL. Thank goodness! Since June was such a dismal failure, July has inherited June’s cast offs and I do not have to bump anything off my project list.