WIP Wednesday

I spent most of my knitting time this week on the Begonia Swirl Shawl, which is now finished.  But I did do a little bit of other work this week.


A brief update to say Pepper is doing much better.  She is back to her normal gait.  She is now taking 5 medications / day.  She’s cooperative about taking the meds.  Most of the time.  My newest method of giving her the meds is to put them in a dish with a little water and a few pieces of her regular cat food.  I keep her in my home office, with no available food, for a couple hours before it is time to give the medicine so that she is hungry when it is time to take the meds.  I leave her in the office with the bowl of medicated food until she eats it all.  She usually eats it within an hour.  Tomorrow I have appointments for all three cats to have their semi-annual visit to the vet, so Pepper’s follow-up visit will be part of that.

Here she is tonight, sleeping in her Kitty Pi in the living room.
Here she is tonight, sleeping in her Kitty Pi in the living room.


I picked up the MAPLE LEAF Shawl that I started last month.  I had three corners left to complete, and I got one of them done this week.  I’m going to work on it as soon as I post this blog entry.  I should finish the remaining too corners this evening, leaving me with only the weaving in of all those ends.


The Week Ahead

I am far, far behind on my plans for this month.  As soon as this MAPLE LEAF shawl is off my needles, I’m casting on another one for my Quidditch Finals.  Other than that, I hope to complete my OWL spinning and several Granny Squares for HPKCHC classes.  I will consider anything else completed this month as a bonus!

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