WIP Wednesday: February 4, 2015

As expected, I haven’t had a whole lot of crafting time over the last two weeks due to office rearrangement.  I finished rearranging the furniture and I set up the new computer.  I’m now sorting through all my files, throwing away as much as I can.  This is step 3 of household organization using the method Marie Kondo describes in her book The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up.  I read that book last September and have slowly been working my way through it.  I had three file cabinets in my office.  One was already empty of files, but being used for storage.  The second was half storage and half files.  The third is all files.  I’d like to get two of them out of my office entirely, in order to make room for yarn and fiber storage.  My yarn is currently in my bedroom.  Some fiber is in the bedroom and some is in my office.  I’d like all my fiber craft tools and materials to be in my office.  I expect to have the office totally finished by the end of February!  In addition to working on my office, I have been crafting three projects.

Wearing o’ the Green(e) Socks

I’ve knit one more stripe on the socks.  I have one more stripe to go before I start the ribbing.


Slytherin Houndstooth Scarf

I finally got some weaving done on this.  I think I’ve done 1/4 of the weaving.


Sassy Bee Cotton Candy Corriedale

After I finished the Lux Top, I started spinning my Sassy Bee Corriedale in Cotton Candy.  I got this fiber at The Fiber Event in Greencastle, Indiana last year.  I bought 4 ounces of fiber, packaged as two 2-ounce batts.  I spun each batt onto its own bobbin, and will ply them together.  I should be finished with the plying in the next couple of days.


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