
For the month of February, Ravelry developers Mary Heather and Christina introduced an Instagram challenge called the Love Yarn Challenge.  I’m not on Instagram, so didn’t learn about the challenge until halfway through the month.  When I found out about it, I thought I’d play along on my blog, but right around that time, my blog got hacked and it took a little time to fix that problem.  On the theory of better late than never, I decided to do the challenge in March.  If you haven’t seen the challenge yet, here’s the themes for each day:

Obviously, February has only 28 days while March has 31, so there’s no challenge prompts for the last 3 days of March.  This month, I’m attending the Florida Tropical Weavers Guild and then going to London with my husband to celebrate our anniversary.  I’ll post about those adventures on the last 3 days of March, so you’ll get a blog post every day this month!

Most of the people who read this blog know me irl or have been reading for a while.  For you, the ‘introduction’ in this post is to the idea of the yarn love challenge!  If you’re new to the blog, please check out the About Us section and the first ever post on this blog to start learning more about me.

Where Do We Go From Here?

When I started this blog back in 2014, I was numb.  The preceding 3 years were emotionally and physically exhausting.  I felt drained and untethered.  I identified with Season 6 Buffy:

I started writing this blog because I needed something positive and productive to do.  The blog was the first step in recovering and reconnecting with myself.  This is an ongoing journey, but I have traveled well along the path over the last 3 years.  It has been a time of growth and rejuvenation.  Many of you reading this blog have been part of that and I am so grateful to you.

I do not usually have a word of the year, but for 2017, a word floated up for me in December: Finish.  This word continues to sit with me.  I’m working with it in the sense of completion.  The craziness of 2011-13 and the numbness that followed meant that many routine things didn’t get done in my life and now there’s a pile of things, many little but a few big ones too, waiting for my attention.  I’ve been working slowly through the pile.  Since that’s been taking my time and attention, I’ve done less fiber work and less blogging.  However, I miss both the fiber and the blog.  I am taking on this Yarn Love Challenge because I hope that it will jumpstart my love for both and help me focus more attention on them.

Click here to read Yarn Love Challenge Day 2: Close-Ups.